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***SPONSORED CONTENT***On April 17th, 2024, an Appeal case was heard at the central family court.  A mother appealed against the removal of three of her children from their maternal grandmother...
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Kerry Cockayne, Barrister, St Mary’s ChambersThe 29th April 2024 sees the coming into force of the Family Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2023 dated 30th November 2023.  One of its aims is to...
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Andrew Bainham, Emeritus Reader in Family Law and Policy, University of CambridgeFamily disputes over funerals are surprisingly common. The author considers who in the family is legally entitled...
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Rob George, Barrister, Harcourt ChambersJennifer Moore, Legal Director, Rayden SolicitorsRe H (Step-Parent Adoption: Human Rights) [2023] EWHC 3186 (Fam) is a ground-breaking case where the...
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His Majesty The King has approved the appointment of four Lord Justices of Appeal.His Majesty The King has been pleased to approve the appointments of Mr Justice Jeremy Baker, Mr Justice Cobb, Mr...
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Seven men have been convicted for committing child sex abuse offences against two young girls in Rotherham during the 2000s.The CPS prosecuted Mohammed Amar, 42, Mohammed Siyab, 44, Yasser Ajaib, 39,...
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Reagan Persaud, Barrister, Spire BarristersCare proceedings can often involve children making allegations. Applications for these children to give evidence are becoming more common. But when should I...
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Mary Welstead, Visiting Professor in Family law UniversityThe judgment of the Honourable Mr Justice MacDonald, in January 2023, may be of interest to young people throughout the jurisdiction who...
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The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has published a briefing paper to prompt discussion and reflection about how artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially improve experiences for families and...
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10 June 2024

Cryptocurrency in 2024
Ben Lee, Partner, Andersen LLPDigital assets are thriving. New private and institutional investment is flooding into the crypto space. But why now? This article discusses the changes and...
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