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Legal Aid Agency launches CCMS masterclass Q&A sessions for advocates
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The Legal Aid Agency's Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) masterclasses will now be supported by Q&A sessions for advocates.
The new Q&A sessions will be made available for advocates by WebEx.
The sessions provide the opportunity to speak with members of the Legal Aid Agency's case management and CCMS teams if you have specific case queries.
Before attending a session, it is recommended that you:
- attend the relevant masterclass;
- complete the corresponding e-learning module; and
- read the relevant quick guides.
The next session will be delivered via WebEx at 12pm on 2 June 2015. Spaces can be booked using
this link to the Eventbrite page.
The next masterclass for advocates will be delivered via WebEx on 26 May 2015.
Spaces can be booked using the link to the Eventbrite page, above.
Topics currently covered in the masterclass are:
- chambers level login;
- actions and notifications; and
- billing including payments on account.
There is more information about support for chambers on the
CCMS website.
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