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Changes to CCMS email addresses

Date:24 FEB 2015
Third slide
Senior Editor
The Legal Aid Agency is streamlining the channels you can use for CCMS enquiries.

The email addresses you can use for cases and feedback about the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) are changing.

The following email addresses will be closing at 5pm on 1 March 2015:
  • CCMStranche1@legalaid.gsi.gov.uk
  • CCMStranche2@legalaid.gsi.gov.uk
  • CCMStranche3@legalaid.gsi.gov.uk
  • CCMSPilot@legalaid.gsi.gov.uk
  • CCMScasework@legalaid.gsi.gov.uk
If you email any of the above addresses once they have been closed you will receive an auto response. This will direct you to an alternative contact to deal with your enquiry.

You will still have a number of ways to get in touch after the above emails are closed and these are detailed below.

Case-related enquiries

You should use the case enquiries feature in CCMS to submit case-related enquiries.

If you need to, you can also use the ‘urgent flag’ to highlight urgent applications and amendments at the point of submission.

If you have used the ‘urgent flag’, you don’t need to contact the Legal Aid Agency to speed up the processing of your submission (this will happen automatically).

Further details of what is classed as ‘urgent work’ can be found in a recent GOV.UK article.

If you are unable to submit your enquiry in CCMS you should email:

Details of the information to include in the email subject header can be found on GOV.UK.

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Technical enquiries

It is important that to tell the Legal Aid Agency about any technical issues. You can telephone or email Online Support:

0203 334 6664

General feedback


Further information

CCMS website

CCMS training and quick guides

Apply for legal aid – guidance on email subject headers for case enquiries