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Keywords: parenting disputes; conflict; PIP; contact; parent education programme; family justice A recent evaluation of the Separated Parent Information Programme (PIP), the first...
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Keywords: child pornography; encryption; Policing and Crime Act 2009; Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000; sex offenders Encryption works by scrambling digital images and documents, rendering...
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Keywords: inter-country adoption; Hague Convention; regulation; protection of children This paper identifies the safeguarding role of the Hague Convention as being of primary importance, and through...
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Keywords: religious tribunals; religious freedom; vulnerable women For the most part current English law does not interfere with the operation of religious tribunals. The role of religious tribunals...
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Following the Family Justice Review and the government’s response to it, this article examines proposals for restructuring the family justice system with a new unified Family Court for England and...
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The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 will from April 2013 remove legal aid from many areas of private family law, with many vulnerable individuals expected to represent...
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Drawing on data from a recent national and follow-up study exploring attitudes towards binding pre-nuptial agreements at a time when the Law Commission was considering law reform, this article...
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‘Familialisation’ is a judicial process, identified by John Dewar, whereby relationship neutral property law principles affecting ownership of the family home are reinterpreted and recalibrated to...
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As women achieve greater economic independence and the traditional family continues to decline, the number of women who choose to become single mothers has grown. While the emergence of single mothers...
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The question whether religious norms and laws should be ‘accommodated’ by the state has become an important issue in civic society, with a particular focus on the working of religious courts. The...
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