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AI in the family justice system: report published by Nuffield Family Justice Observatory

Date:11 JUN 2024
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The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has published a briefing paper to prompt discussion and reflection about how artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially improve experiences for families and professionals using  or involved with the family justice system. It also outlines the challenges and risks involved, and the governance required for safe usage.
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The report says: "This briefing paper aims to prompt reflection and discussion in the family justice system. It highlights some potential uses for AI, centred around: • improving families’ experiences • enabling administrative efficiencies • supporting decision making. It also raises some of the important questions about challenges and risks – such as the role of humans, fairness, accountability, privacy, transparency and accuracy – and ends with a discussion around regulation and governance. Chat GPT was used for some initial ideas generation and to refine the drafting of some sections of this report."

You can read the full report here.
