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Keywords: Public - Private - Law - Children - Relationship Legal disputes concerning children are divided conceptually into private or public law. This binary classification disguises the...
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Keywords: Sharia councils - Siyar, Fiqh al-Aqalliyat - Muslim women - multiculturalism This paper focuses on the role and rationale of Sharia Councils in Britain (in particular in the...
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Keywords: Minor parents - minor children - consent - medical treatment - medical research - guardianship To operate effectively legal systems need clear boundaries such as those defining...
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Keywords: Same-sex couples - matrimonial property - recognition - fundamental rights - registered partnerships On 31 May 2012 the Fundamental Rights Agency delivered an Opinion on the...
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Keywords: Ancillary relief - financial ordering - matrimonial property - pre-marital assets - non-marital assets - comparative law This article provides a comparative overview of the way...
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Keywords: Adoption - UNCRC - birth parents - welfare The welfare of the relevant child became the 'paramount' consideration in adoption decisions as a result of the Adoption and Children Act...
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Keywords: Non-marriage - formalities - intention - validity In 2009 Bodey J in the High Court delivered his judgment in the case of Hudson v Leigh (Status of Non-Marriage), subsequently endorsed...
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Keywords: Responsibilities to children - individualisation of responsibility - obligations to unrelated children - capacity, knowledge and understanding This article considers recent claims...
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Keywords: lesbian parenting; known donors The opinions of the Court of Appeal in A v B and C illustrate the extent to which legal discourse, even as it accommodates lesbian and gay families,...
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Keywords: children; rights; ethics; research; autonomy; participation Recent developments in the sociology of childhood and in law have led to increased respect for children's agency and rights,...
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