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Keywords: Care proceedings – delay – law reform – implementation – local authority lawyersIn the last decade, new procedures have been introduced on three occasions to ensure that...
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Keywords: Human rights – right to education – Transdniestria – Russia – Moldova – schools – orthography – effective control – extraterritorial jurisdiction This article explores the right to...
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Keywords: Civil partnerships – opposite-sex couples – equality – privacy – dignity – autonomy – human rights – PACS The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, which was presented by the...
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Keywords: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Article 12 – right to be heard – participation rights – child’s views – family International efforts to ensure compliance with...
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Keywords: Vulnerable witness – cross-examination – care proceedings – special measures This article considers who is a ‘vulnerable witness’ and how their evidence is heard in family court...
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Keywords: Care proceedings – alternative dispute resolution – family group conferences – mediation – family support The Family Justice Review reported in 2011 on the increasing volume of...
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Keywords: Parental separation – shared care – social norms and practices – policy development This article explores how shared care following parental separation or divorce has...
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Keywords: Children – children’s rights – theoretical concepts – Convention on the Rights of the Child – European Convention on Human Rights, Article 3 – paramountcy – children’s welfare –...
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Keywords: Inherent jurisdiction – vulnerable adults – mental capacity – Court of Protection – welfare A historical analysis of the rediscovery – in truth the invention – by the judges of...
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Keywords: Families – empirical socio-legal research – social and legal change In this article I attempt to turn back the clock in order to bring the recent history of private family law in...
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