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This commentary explores A Local Authority v A and B [2010] EWHC 978 (Fam), [2010] 2 FLR 1363 in which two cases were heard together. One involved a child and the other an adult, each of...
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The Supreme Court's long-awaited decision in Radmacher (Formerly Granatino) v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42, [2011] 1 FLR 1851 has been criticised by some as a blow against the status and significance of...
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This article maintains that the legal recognition of obligations for children facilitates their recognition as citizens and agents when such obligations are understood from contextual and relational...
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Given the fact that the child and custodial parent generally share a living standard, there is some tension between the traditional rule excluding marital status altogether as a consideration in...
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Recent codifications of the English and Scottish law of sexual offences have highlighted significant difficulties with the manner in which the criminal law purports to regulate adolescent sexuality....
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Section 3(2) of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 requires doctors to take practical steps to help a person with impaired capacity to make a competent medical decision. This legal duty does not extend to...
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