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The English law on international relocation, with the leading case of Payne v Payne, has been the subject of much debate in recent years. In a number of recent cases, including the two addressed in...
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This comment considers the decision of the Supreme Court in Yemshaw v London Borough of Hounslow. The Court held that the meaning of 'domestic violence' in section 177 of the Housing Act 1996 (duty...
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Human trafficking is on the rise. Whether for sexual exploitation or forced labour, women, men and children are being trafficked to and inside the UK. In July 2011 the new UK strategy on human...
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This paper is concerned with the normative reason(s) for extending protection to close personal relationships such as cohabitation for the purposes of dealing with property matters when the...
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The impact of the recent near-collapse of the world banking system continues to be felt within families, with many people facing employment, money and housing problems as a direct...
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We examine the effect of household financial indebtedness on the incidence of partnership dissolution using a large household survey of families with children in Britain. We use detailed data on...
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This article questions the traditional privileging within the judicial system of creditors over occupiers following default on mortgage payments and the repossession of family homes. It does this...
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