Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce and care proceedings to transparency and access to justice. If you would like to contribute please email emma.reitano@lexisnexis.co.uk.
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Take our survey on the impact of the Pension Advisory Group report

Date:8 SEP 2020
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We've partnered with Brewin Dolphin PLC and Mathieson Consulting on a short survey to find out from practitioners in England and Wales what impact the Pension Advisory Group report has had on their practice.

A Guide to the Treatment of Pensions on Divorce was published in July 2019, since then there have been a few reported cases endorsing the report’s recommendations.

Family Law Webinars
Family Law Webinars
One hour of training for just £75+VAT. Our 2019...
Family Court Practice, The
Family Court Practice, The
Order the 2024 edition
Family Law
Family Law
"the principal (monthly) periodical dealing with...

Please could you spare no more than 10 minutes to answer up to 21 questions. Your response will be anonymous and non-attributable. The results of our survey will be shared in upcoming issues of New Law Journal and Family Law Journal, as well as on this website.

You can complete the survey here.
