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More than half of married people have no plans for their pensions if they get divorced

Date:15 AUG 2019
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The survey, carried out by Fidelity International, an investment management company, found that 56% of women and 60% of men said they had no plans for what would happen to their pensions should their marriage break down.

The study polled 2,000 UK adults on discussing financial subjects with their partner.

According to Fidelity, there were 101,669 divorces of opposite-sex couples in England and Wales in 2017. Fidelity also say that the woman typically suffers the most in heterosexual divorces - often being the party with fewer financial assets.

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Emma-Lou Montgomery, associate director for Fidelity International, says: ‘Having a plan in place for your pensions is imperative and it’s concerning to see these figures showing just how unprepared married couples are when it comes to their long-term finances.’

While the number of men not making pension contingency plans was higher, Montgomery argues that the issue is ‘particularly crucial for women’.

She says: ‘[Women] are still more likely to take time off work to begin a family than men. Taking a career break can easily put you at a financial disadvantage and over-reliance on a partner’s pension in the future leaves you vulnerable, should the worst happen.’
