At St John’s Chambers Annual One Day Money conference family lawyers gathered to hear expert speakers on a full range of family finance topics.
Christopher Sharp QC led with a review of robust costs decisions in recent financial remedy cases. He noted the increasing judicial displeasure at high costs in big money cases and warned that the reality is that this displeasure will filter down to the more everyday cases with cost capping becoming more common. On the topic of whether there is an appetite for the return of Calderbank around a third of the conference delegates would vote to reintroduce Calderbank in financial remedy cases. The issue of whether Calderbank should be reintroduced is covered in Calderback to the future [2015] Fam Law 1498 and here. See also Christopher Sharp’s ‘A review of financial remedy cases (October 2015 to February 2016)’.
The next topic was contributions arguments in financial remedy cases presented by Richard Norman. He looked at the relationship between needs and contributions and the conflicting case law around the topic of matrimonial/non matrimonial property. He also discussed stellar contributions and post-separation accrual in a thorough and interesting presentation.
Zoe Saunders was up next talking...
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