Many court hearings are currently being conducted by telephone or video link. This guide provides useful tips and advice on preparing for and attending a telephone hearing.
What information will the Court need before my telephone hearing?
- You will need to provide the Court with your preferred telephone number. The Court will call you on the day of the telephone hearing and invite you to join the hearing.
How do I join my telephone hearing?
- Make sure you are ready to join the hearing at least 15 mins before it is due to start. This will help you feel ready for the start of the hearing.
To join the hearing:
- You will hear a welcome message saying you’re invited to join a conference call
- Press* [star] to join
- Say your name
- Press the # [hash] key
- Once you have joined the hearing, stay on mute until you are asked to speak
If you require technical support to join a telephone hearing you can call the Court’s audio and video hearing support line on 0330 8089405.
What will happen during my telephone hearing?
- Once all the parties have joined the hearing, a member of the Court staff (usually the Judge’s Clerk) will introduce themselves and explain how the hearing will work and what you need to do. The Judge’s Clerk will then invite the Judge to join the hearing.
- The Judge will usually invite the legal representatives of each party to speak to avoid the parties speaking over one another.
- If you do not have legal representation at the hearing, then the Judge will talk to you directly and invite you to speak, again to avoid the parties speaking over one another.
- The issues discussed at the hearing will be the same as if the hearing were held in person.
- The hearing will be recorded.
What if I lose connection during my telephone hearing?
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