David Cameron has announced Conservative Party plans to reform Sure Start programme hinting services will be restricted to the less wealthy.
They will be similar to Academy schools in that they will be independent institutions which operate outside local government control and are funded directly by central government.
Speaking yesterday in London, David Cameron said he was committed to keeping Sure Start, but he will also seek to improve it by taking it back to its original purpose - namely "early intervention, increasing its focus on those who need its help most and better involving organisations with a proven track record in parenting interventions".
Citing research done by the National Academy for Parenting Practitioners and others, Mr Cameron said: "They have identified models with proven success - from family nurse partnerships, an intensive programme for vulnerable first-time parents that ends when the child is two to parenting support groups for parents with learning difficulties."
The Tory leader announced that the Conservatives would "invite independent organisations that have a proven track record in these areas - like Lifeline and 4Children and Homestart and contract them to run children's centres and reach out to dysfunctional and disadvantaged local families. They will then be paid - at least in part - according to the results they achieve."
He concluded: "In short, we will bring a new focus, and a new spirit of enterprise and innovation to early years support."
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