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Matthias Mueller

Journals Manager + Online Editor | Jordan Publishing (LexisNexis)
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Journals Manager + Online Editor | Jordan Publishing (LexisNexis)
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Newly released ONS statistics show that nearly 10 per cent of adults in England and Wales are unmarried and living with a partner.According to today's bulletin, in 2002 people who were cohabiting who...
In June 2016, Cafcass received a total of 3,599 new private law cases. This is a 6% increase on June 2015 levels.Between April 2015 and March 2016 Cafcass received a total of 37,502 new private law...
Latest figures released by Cafcass reveal that new care applications received in June 2016 represents the highest ever number of applications for any one month.In June 2016, Cafcass received a total...
The Ministry of Justice has published court statistics showing the average time for the disposal of a care or supervision application made in January to March 2016 was 28 weeks.A long term downward...
The latest legal aid statistics published today (30 June 2016) show that the number of mediation assessments are down 14% compared to the same period in 2015.The statistics published by the Ministry...
The most common reasons for divorce petitions being returned by divorce centres have been revealed by Resolution. In May last year HMCTS said that the movement of work from courts to Divorce...
The Law Commission has published an interim report proposing that the problems with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) can be resolved only by wholesale replacement of the DoLS and reform of...
Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division, has issued guidance on family cases with an international aspect. The three documents (available to download below) provide guidance on the...
Figures released by Cafcass show that, in March 2016, the number of private law cases received increased by 4% from March 2015 levels. A total of 3,287 new cases were received.Between April...
Latest figures released by Cafcass reveal that new care applications received in March 2016 are at an all-time high for the month of March.In March 2016, Cafcass received a total of 1,221 care...
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