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The Homes for Ukraine government scheme offers a route to those who want to come to the UK and have someone here willing to provide them with a home. It enables individuals, charities, community...
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The introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 on 6 April 2022, bringing in the long-awaited “no-fault divorce”, is considered to be one of the most significant reforms of family...
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Ofsted has recently published a report entitled "Children’s social care 2022: recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic".The report says: "The COVID-19 pandemic has put specific pressures on the...
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On 28th July 2022, the Supreme Court received an urgent Permission to Appeal (PTA) application in the case of Archie Battersbee.The parents of Archie Battersbee filed their application to appeal to...
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Ayesha Hasan, Barrister and Head of Chambers, 3 Dr Johnson's BuildingsA short insight into how our case law is developing in this growing area of matrimonial litigation and whether the time has come...
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Dr Amel Ketani, Senior Law Lecturer at BPP UniversityThe purpose of this article is to evaluate the ‘core’ family mediation training programme, namely the first step to qualifying as a family mediator...
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Deborah Jeff, SimkinsThis article examines the allocation of royalties as part of the financial settlement in divorce.It defines what royalty payments are, to whom they are payable, and the relevant...
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Sarah Pinder, Goldsmiths ChambersInternational surrogacy arrangements are complex enough with, not only the ‘host’ country’s laws and procedures to grapple with in order to ensure that any such...
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Mark Jones, No5 Barristers ChambersThis article focusses on the legislative provisions which allow local authorities to curtail the liberty of children and young people in instances where their...
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Mary Welstead, CAP Fellow Harvard Law School; Visiting Professor in Family law University of BuckinghamIn X v Z, Theis J once again rescued intended parents, and the child gestated for them by a...
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