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The Child Abuse Inquiry must radicalise to succeed

Date:2 APR 2015
With scores of Inquiries already under its belt and dozens more currently underway Britain must break the mould with the nation's inquiry into child abuse and implement an investigation that is truly ground-breaking. If it does not it will be consigned to history as an expensive exercise which helped no one.

To date there have been over 70 inquiries focusing on child abuse in the UK 67 of which have taken place in England. Today we have 18 working child abuse inquiries in the United Kingdom the largest in scope being the nation's Statutory Inquiry Into Child Abuse which will be looking at historic and present day child sexual abuse in England and Wales. If we needed confirmation that cautionary tales and lessons highlighted by previous investigations have gone unheeded the sheer number of predecessors to the nation's Inquiry serves to remind us. The prevailing inadequacies of serious case reviews for child abuse scandals also paint a grim picture of justice and...

Read the full article here.