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Child sex abuse inquiry

Date:24 OCT 2014
Third slide
Solicitor Advocate
An inquiry into child sexual abuse

An increasing crescendo of public concern over recent months has concentrated on child sexual abuse such that on 7 July 2014 the Home Secretary Mrs Theresa May announced in the commons the setting up an inquiry to ‘address two important public concerns’. These were that in the 1980s the Home Office had failed to act on allegations of child sex abuse; and that ‘public bodies and other important institutions have failed to take seriously their duty of care towards children’. Family lawyers with their experience of families who may be affected by child sexual abuse will share these concerns; and perhaps look to this as an opportunity to look at child law reform and administration of children departments.

Mrs May annunciated ‘three important principles’:

  • Everything would be done to ‘allow the full investigation of child abuse and the prosecution of its perpetrators and we will do nothing to jeopardise those aims’.
  • ‘Maximum transparency’ would be guaranteed by the government...

Read the full article here.