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View from the foot of the Tower: Elephants and Barbara Streisand

Date:20 FEB 2014
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Care Lawyer
In 2003 Barbara Streisand wanted to stop publication of photographs of her Malibu residence and sent off some letters from her attorneys threatening dire consequences for anyone who published them. Unfortunately for her the story changed from 'Rich famous woman owns nice house - have a look at it'  to 'Rich famous woman tries to silence free speech' and as a result far more people ended up looking at the Malibu home than ever would have done if the story had run unhindered.

Ever since then the Streisand Effect has been a term used for when an attempt to silence a story ends up bringing the very thing you were trying to keep quiet to the attention of many more people than if you had just let it go.   (It may be fortunate for a particular Welsh footballer that there was already a name for this phenomenon when the ‘superinjunction' furore finally came to a head.)
What has this got to do with family law? Or indeed elephants?

Well the elephant in the room relating to the current position in law following Re J (Reporting Restriction: Internet: Video)

Read the full article here.