BRENDAN ROCHE Barrister 7 Bedford Row
In recent months the pressure for reform of the law on international relocation of children has been growing. In July 2009 Dr Marilyn Freeman when introducing her research on behalf of reunite called for a readjustment to the ‘pro-location' attitude routinely adopted in our courts. She thought this might be achieved through among other things: (a) an amendment to the welfare checklist applicable in relocation cases so that specific consideration is given to the benefit to the child of a meaningful relationship with both parents; and (b) the routine appointment of a children's guardian in relocation cases. See M Freeman ‘Relocation: the reunite Research Project' [2010] International Family Law 161.
In February 2010 in the case of Re D (Children) [2010] EWCA Civ 50 [2010] 2 FLR (forthcoming) Lord Justice Wall as he then was refused a father permission to appeal against a decision to allow his former wife to relocate with their two sons to Slovakia. However in so doing he did note that there is a perfectly respectable argument that Payne v Payne...
Read the full article here.