Having just sent the Ministry of Justice my Department's response to the Family Justice Review Interim Report it seems to me that this debate about our family justice system entirely misses the point.
The direct annual cost of our family justice system is according to the MoJ about £1.5bn annually. The indirect cost to the economy of social exclusion - itself in many instances a result of generational parental failure - is immeasurable.
According to the MoJ's website the aim of the Review is "to improve the system so that it is quicker simpler more cost-effective and fairer whilst continuing to protect children and vulnerable adults from risk of harm."
What this means is that the Review concentrates on the legal consequences rather than the causes of parental disputes and failings. Framing the debate in this way is in my view a mistake.
Granted there is no doubt that the current system fails to...
Read the full article here.