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Lucy Loizou: The race to court

Date:26 APR 2012

Lucy Loizou My blog is not in anticipation of the Olympics which are shortly to be with us but about being the "first to issue" in European cases where there is a jurisdiction race.

If your client is considering a divorce or separation they have a close connection with England and another European country they may have the choice of where to divorce or formally separate. It is therefore fundamentally important that you advise your client quickly about the steps that they need to take to formalize the end of their relationship.

Why? Because they may find themselves stuck in divorce proceedings in a country where the financial outcome may not be as favourable for them as it would have been if proceedings had been issued in the other country. All European states have to comply with the Brussels ll regulation which means that the divorce will go ahead in the country where the divorce was issued first.  

As a Greek speaking family lawyer I deal with a lot of international cases where there are strong connections...

Read the full article here.