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Dennis Sheridan: Family Law Arbitration - Wins

Date:13 MAR 2013

Dennis SheridanDoes this ring a bell? You sit opposite a client whose face gradually lengthens whose mouth drops and whose eyes widen in dismay and disbelief as you describe how long it takes to bring matrimonial financial issues to a conclusion through the Court litigation process.

You have advised of the other ways there are to resolve their case but no matter how enthusiastically you describe mediation their response is negative and their comment: my ex-husband/wife will only listen to a Judge. You encouragingly mention the collaborative procedure and that sadly too is dismissed.

The case itself does not contain a great value in terms of the assets and capital far more high street than high net worth - but the parties are at loggerheads on all aspects of their marriage and its financial aftermath.

The one thing that your client does not want is for the matter to go on for what appears an interminable period with the prospect of expensive lengthy and stressful Court appearances most likely before different Judges...

Read the full article here.