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Who is a ‘partner’ in Appendix FM?

Date:7 OCT 2019

Appendix FM to the Immigration Rules allows British Citizens and settled persons to bring their ‘partner’ to join them in the UK.  A ‘partner’ is defined as the applicant’s spouse civil partner fiancé(e) proposed civil partner or a person that has been living together with the applicant for at least two years prior to the date of application. 


A marriage in the UK must be evidenced by a valid marriage certificate recognised under the laws of England and Wales Scotland or Northern Ireland. 

The equivalent should be provided for a marriage conducted outside the UK. A foreign marriage will be recognised by the UK as long as the marriage ceremony is recognised as a valid form of marriage by the law of the country in which it takes place and it has been properly registered. 

This can include religious marriages and proxy marriages. The parties to the marriage must have capacity to marry and any previous marriage of either party must first have been validly terminated. Evidence of the divorce must be provided. 

A British or settled person that is in a polygamous marriage is only permitted to sponsor one person to live in the UK as their partner. 


Read the full article here.