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Mediate or Medi(wait)?

Date:3 DEC 2018
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Mediate or Medi(wait)? Chris Longbottom, partner at Clarke Willmott LLP, is  a staunch advocate for Family Mediation. An attempt to get the parties around a table with an experienced family law mediator to discuss their issues and seek resolution in a time and cost effective manner is surely better than the alternative.

He also feels that a large part of our (family practitioners) role on divorce should be to put all the possible routes to the client at the outset and allow them to decide which route they believe will best suit them (indeed they will also know which route the other party islikely to want to go down or be more receptive towards) in reaching the right outcome in a quick and cost effective way; rather than concentrating just on their legal bases of their claims. This obviously also follows the Resolution Guide to Good Practice. 

But is mediation for everybody and when is best to mediate? 

Read the full article here.