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What’s the alternative: arbitration facts (£)
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Suzanne Kingston Partner Withers LLP Family Law Practice Group
Jemma Thomas PSL Withers LLP Family Law Practice GroupIn the article entitled 'What is the Alternative?' Suzanne Kingston and Jemma Thomas from Withers explore the history of family law arbitration. They compare arbitration with the court process highlighting in particular current issues such as transparency explaining how arbitration can offer strict confidentiality for clients. In addition they consider the more stringent approach to the production of documents for hearings with particular reference to the cases of
Seagrove v Sullivan and
J v J.
They explain the legal basis of family law arbitration and the view of the judiciary describing the President's judgment of
S v S. There are a number of practitioners who may be concerned about the cost of arbitration due to its bespoke nature but they explain that it can be much cheaper and they provide their practical top tips. Finally Suzanne and Jemma explore the future of arbitration pointing out where the current IFLA Scheme may extend to other areas...
Read the full article here.