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What next for hair strand testing in the family justice system: Re D (Children Interim Care Order Hair Strand Testing)

Date:15 SEP 2024
Third slide
Sarah Branson, Barrister, Coram Chambers

Paul Hunter, Technical Director, Forensic Testing Service Ltd

In this article published in Family Law August 2024, the authors expand on their June 2023 article, ‘Recent scientific developments in hair strand testing and racial bias in current practices of hair strand testing’, bringing to the fore guidance resulting from the April 2024 Re D appeal ruling.

Guidance the authors discuss in further detail include:

  • Risks in using numerical HST results in isolation and/or binary
  • Expectations of experts to report all findings
  • Needs of reporting to include discussion of significance for all findings, and in a manner for the non-scientist to comprehend

They review core areas of HST evidence:

  • Fallacy of relying on cut-off limits in forming opinions
  • Potential for bias
  • Critical nature of full case context and donor information
  • Normal variation between HST labs

Altogether, presents a thorough and discussion of Legal guidance for HST evidence from notable cases with implications for current practice.

The full article has published in the August issue of Family Law.  Find out more or request a free 1-week trial of Family Law journal. Please quote: 100482

Read the full article here.