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What is the Tipstaff and what is their role?

Date:3 JUL 2023
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The Tipstaff is often one of the first topics of discussion raised by new clients who have been accused of abducting their children. Questions that I am regularly asked are “What is the Tipstaff?” “What is their role in my case?” “Why did they send the police to visit me?” and “why do I have to provide them with my passports?”

The Tipstaff is an ancient role that is believed to have been in existence in England and Wales since the 14th century. 

The Tipstaff is the enforcement officer of the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice.  Their role is to enforce warrants and orders of the court within the jurisdiction of England and Wales. The Tipstaff’s function is not to investigate and they are reliant on the receipt of information from the party who is seeking to enforce a court order. The Tipstaff also does not have the authority to undertake investigations into the whereabouts of missing persons (including children) but will carry out enquiries through the police.

The role takes its name from the short staff with a metal tip (now tipped with a gold crown) that the Tipstaff historically used to enforce his duties. A...

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