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Vulnerable clients: who are they, how do we identify them, how do we manage them

Date:12 SEP 2024
Third slide
Sheena Cassidy Hope, Mischon de Reya

Kelly Gerrard, Payne Hicks Beach

Those working in the Family Justice system frequently encounter clients who present as vulnerable. Sheena Cassidy Hope and Kelly Gerrard examine the issues that practitioners are likely to face when encountering a client who can be classified as vulnerable. Drawing on recently published resources and guides, the article endeavours to identify behaviours that should cause practitioners to be alert and to assess whether the client should be considered vulnerable as well as offering practical advice on how to deal with such clients. It further offers tips to practitioners on how to protect their own mental health when dealing with vulnerable clients and practical self-care advice.  


The full article has published in the September issue of Family Law.  Find out more or request a free 1-week trial of Family Law journal. Please quote: 100482









Read the full article here.