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View from the Foot of the Tower: Relatives, culture and cultural relativism

Date:15 AUG 2014
Third slide
Care Lawyer
Our society has become increasingly multi-cultural in recent decades and places that seemed remote and almost illusory now crop up within family law proceedings. The High Court have been dealing over the last year with a restructuring of principles – removing the patrician idea that the English Courts are always best placed to deal with children who are in the UK but have a parent from another part of the world.

Do not worry this piece is neither about to be about Brussels II or a party political broadcast on behalf of UKIP.

[*If you ever want to have the most complicated argument possible about habitual residence seek out the two villages of Baarle-Nassau and Baarle-Hertog which nestle inside one another as part of many separate treaties and pacts and within a few feet one can move from Belgium to the Netherlands and back again – even within the same house. A rule of thumb that the householder was subject to the laws of the country where their front...

Read the full article here.