A friend recently wished me 'A happy end of the year.'
Since I don't normally get wishes for say the end of April or September what could be happening at the end of December??
Ah the 'C' word that in some quarters no longer dare speak its name. My friend white nominally Christian politically correct to the core of her soul had to tussle with her conscience to find a greeting that wouldn't make either of us spontaneously combust. So 'end of the year' it was.
I'm from an ethnic minority you see and everyone knows ethnics are offended by Christmas. The mere sight of a strand of tinsel or the lame lights display down the local high street destabilises us. It reminds us that we live in a hostile land where on December 25 the natives indulge in rituals we cannot understand. Gathering around the sacred telly bloated from stuffing themselves silly worshipping Morecambe and Wise reruns and passing round a family size tin of Quality Street are customs so alien to us (even if we've been born and raised here) that we simply cannot cope.
So like all good pantomime villains...
Read the full article here.