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This lawyer's life: take the heat but don't burn

Date:13 MAY 2016
Third slide

Recently I ate takeaways three nights in a row on a post 11 pm train after leaving chambers. Nothing to assail the delicate nostrils of my fellow passengers just a sandwich. But yes gentle reader I became that person; the one who eats meals on public transport to save time. I wasn't the only one. Other passengers too wearily bit into burgers and even the odd kebab.

On the morning trains people around me regularly tuck into shop bought muesli bowls as with their other hand they answer a backlog of emails on their iPads .

Women who do their makeup on trains are often admonished in the letters page of the Metro newspaper to 'get up an hour early and do it at home'

If they did they probably wouldn't bother going to sleep at all. These are silly early trains. Crack of dawn o'clock transport. So early that one colleague confessed that for the sake of an extra 30 minutes in bed she once ended up brushing her teeth in the toilet cubicle of a Virgin train on her way to court.

When did life become all about work?


Read the full article here.