Reagan Persaud, Spire Barristers
When it comes to trans people in the family court, have you ever wondered if you are using the right terminology? Are you getting the pronouns right? Is it their birth name or their chosen name that is to be used? What might you say that would cause offence or difficulties? This article provides an overview for good practice, ensuring that you show respect to trans people in the family court. With a few basic tips and some helpful guidance, you can do your job effectively and in a courteous manner – avoiding some of the pitfalls that may be a worry for many who want to get it right.
The article also gives guidance on some of the issues to consider which might impact more on trans people – for instance, issues of privacy and an understanding of the particular vulnerabilities which may come into play when representing trans clients. It is a must read to ensure that you represent this particular group of individuals insightfully and confidently.
The full article will be published in the January issue of Family Law.
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Read the full article here.