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The statement on the efficient conduct of financial remedy hearings in the Financial Remedies Court below High Court Judge level: A review

Date:25 JAN 2022

In February’s Edition of the Family Law Journal Claire Athis Schofield and I wrote an article entitled “The Farquhar Committee and the future of the Financial Remedies Court” which set out the findings and recommendations of The Farquhar Committee (‘the Committee’) in respect of the future workings of the Financial Remedies Court (‘FRC’).

In December 2021 HHJ Hess (Deputy National Lead of the FRC and lead judge of London FRC) indicated national guidance was soon to be published following further consultation on the Committee’s reports. Shortly thereafter on 12 January 2022 Mostyn J (National Lead of the FRC) and HHJ Hess issued with the authority of the President a notice entitled ‘Statement on the Efficient Conduct of Financial Remedy Hearings in the Financial Remedies Court below High Court Judge Level’ (‘the Efficiency Statement’) which now adopts many of the recommendations of the Committee.

As Alexander Chandler of 1KBW sets out in his Blog “New Year New Rules” the Efficiency Statement “represent[s] the most significant changes to financial remedies procedure for many years.” As with the previous article the role of this...

Read the full article here.