This article discusses the disappointing performance of the new Sorting Out Separation Web Application and the implications going forward. Developed by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) at a cost of £417 500 the Government intended the ‘Web app’ to be a key online information and support hub for separated parents to direct them to expert sources of help.
Yet the Web app is failing. In fourteen months only 9 132 visitors have ventured beyond the home page to click on a signpost to an external organisation. This compares to the DWP target of attracting 260 000 such visitors in the first year. A redesign following a critical evaluation (now just published) has failed to increase the traffic.
The poor performance of the Web app comes at a critical moment with the DWP poised to begin a three year process of closing down almost a million Child Support Agency cases. The Minister in charge has promised MPs that the Web app will...
Read the full article here.