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The Sorting Out Separation web app: fit for purpose?

Date:18 JUN 2014
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Senior Policy Adviser

This article discusses the disappointing performance of the new Sorting Out Separation Web Application and the implications going forward. Developed by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) at a cost of £417 500 the Government intended the ‘Web app’ to be a key online information and support hub for separated parents to direct them to expert sources of help.

Yet the Web app is failing. In fourteen months only 9 132 visitors have ventured beyond the home page to click on a signpost to an external organisation. This compares to the DWP target of attracting 260 000 such visitors in the first year. A redesign following a critical evaluation (now just published) has failed to increase the traffic.

The poor performance of the Web app comes at a critical moment with the DWP poised to begin a three year process of closing down almost a million Child Support Agency cases. The Minister in charge has promised MPs that the Web app will...

Read the full article here.