Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce and care proceedings to transparency and access to justice. If you would like to contribute please email emma.reitano@lexisnexis.co.uk.
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The practical effects of the new Family Proceedings Rules 2024 on MIAMs and non-court dispute resolution

Date:12 SEP 2024
Third slide

Corinna A Schiffer  Accredited Family Mediator and Founder Farnham Mediation; Door tenant and former barrister 5 Pump Court Chambers

This article starts by exploring mental health among the UK population at large as measured by global surveys. Thereafter it focusses on the mental health picture presented by separating families especially children drawing on findings from recent studies. An overview is given of the number of family cases coming to the courts and how they are dealt with. 

This context leads to a discussion of the content aims and possible practical effects...

Read the full article here.