The UK’s departure from the European Union in 2020 signalled the careful and complex process of the uncoupling of our domestic law from 45-odd years of law originating from the EU. Whilst the Brussels-based Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) no longer has the same role in law over any British cases, it is still possible for the right case from the UK to be propelled into and have the benefit of a European court. It is the European Court of Human Rights (or ECHR) based in Strasbourg. It remains a further venue for a small number of very specific cases originating in the UK.
The author has recently conducted a case before the ECHR and found it a very different and distinctive experience in contrast to both domestic and other international courts. In this article he shares some of what he learnt.
The ECHR interprets the European Convention on Human Rights, and hears applications alleging that a signatory state has breached one or more of the human rights of a person or body (or from another state). Complaints can arise from any one of nearly 50 member states of the Council of Europe, including the UK.
Read the full article here.