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The interaction between parental mental health and private law children matters

Date:14 FEB 2023
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Rosa Schofield, Associate Solicitor, Family Law Partners

With an increasing societal awareness surrounding mental health, this article explores the interaction between parental mental health and the private law children sphere. The article will explore the approach the court takes to cases in which one or both parent(s) are experiencing poor mental health, and will outline some practical steps that might be taken in cases when parental health is a key feature of the case. This analysis includes a brief consideration of the appointment of psychological experts and the role that medical evidence might play in these cases. This article suggests that we need to give sufficient time to explore and understand the impact that mental health conditions are having on our clients, so that this knowledge can guide the substantive case put forward on their behalf, whilst also steering the way in which the process is navigated in terms of process options and professional referrals.


The full article will be published in the February issue of Family Law



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Read the full article here.