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The FDAC trial for change – combining expert assessment and intervention during proceedings

Date:24 JAN 2017
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Jo-Ann Maycock Development Co-ordinator FDAC National Unit

This is the second blog in our series of blogs about FDAC. Here we are going to describe one of the key differences between FDAC and ordinary care proceedings – the process of assessment and intervention that takes place within the court process.

Combining assessment and intervention in this way is a feature of the problem solving approach in FDAC where the aim is to help parents to tackle their problems as well as reaching a decision that is in the best interests of the children.

The FDAC ‘trial for change’ model

An FDAC ‘trial for change’ is an individualised programme of assessment treatment and support:

  • giving parents the best possible chance to solve their problems while
  • testing whether they can do that in a timescale compatible with their children’s needs and
  • using resources that FDAC can be sure of accessing quickly from the network of partner agencies or its own service.

Problem solving is at the heart of the FDAC assessment and intervention model – helping parents to tackle the problems that are preventing them from parenting their children safely especially drug and alcohol misuse domestic abuse and mental...

Read the full article here.