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The European family in crisis: the consequences of Brexit on English family law

Date:17 OCT 2016
Third slide

Nicholas Bennett Partner Farrer & Co

The metaphor of Brexit as 'divorce' has become a cliché since the referendum result. To this commentator's eye at least it betrays a misunderstanding of the UK's relationship with the EU. Divorce requires a marriage. Marriage requires a loving relationship (or so at least we hope). The British have loved Europe but never the EU. Apart from a small number of true believers we have always had a transactional approach to the project: we joined late in a time of post-imperial decline on the ground that it would bring greater national political influence and a restoration of our own economic health. Political integration was agreed with much reluctance and controversy as a price for better trade. The lack of any emotional connection to 'ever closer union' might explain the Remain campaign's tactics and their failure.

But these are deep waters for any humble lawyer to cross. To concentrate on family law instead of politics: since the creation of the common European 'area of freedom security and justice' in the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1999...

Read the full article here.