From 1st June 2020 lockdown in England has considerably eased with many children returning to schools and families and friends being given the green light to meet in groups of up to six so long as observing social distancing rules when outside.
Considerable confusion arose at the start of the lockdown period back in March when government ministers appeared to contradict the government’s own advice on how child contact could continue against the background of restrictions. As families are released from lockdown that confusion continues for many as they adjust to the ‘new normal’. This article aims to address some of the most common questions we are being asked about child contact arrangements as the lockdown eases.
For many families contact continued more or less as normal throughout lockdown. Rules requiring us to stay at home specifically did not apply to children travelling between households for contact so long as general rules on social distancing and hygiene were adhered to. However many families chose to limit or stop contact during the lockdown period to protect children or other members of the household involved who were shielding. Some families will have members who...
Read the full article here.