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Service in international matrimonial cases

Date:12 SEP 2024
Third slide

Oscar Smith, Expatriate Law

Service is an often ignored but critical subject for international family practitioners in every case. If service rules are not followed carefully, you run the risk of your client ending up divorced in a detrimental jurisdiction, and without recourse to the wide-ranging and often comparatively generous financial reliefs available in England and Wales. Despite the end of the lis pendens rules following Brexit, correct action to serve a respondent taken immediately at the outset of a case can make all the difference in gaining the upper hand for your client in a forum battle, particularly against a competing EU member state. This article sets out the rules to follow, and offers some important tips and good practice guidance which is essential for every international family law practitioner.

The full article has published in the September issue of Family Law.  Find out more or request a free 1-week trial of Family Law journal. Please quote: 100482





Read the full article here.