And we are back! Hopefully after wonderful summer breaks refreshed and ready for the Michaelmas term. This year it definitely felt like the courts had not been on vacation. We had a steady stream of cases throughout the summer which I am sure you have all been keeping abreast of via the summaries on Newswatch.
The first case of note this week comes from His Honour Judge Bellamy sitting as a judge of the High Court who is appearing ever more frequently in the law reports. His judgment in Re G (Intractable Contact) involves yet another sad case of ongoing heavily contested litigation in relation to contact between the father and the now 13-year-old child. The father was made subject to detailed restrictions on his contact with the child of direct contact only three times per year and a s 91(14) order. This was following findings that the father was extremely focused on the child almost to the point of obsession. A psychologist advised that he would need...
Read the full article here.