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Reveal yourself: a human behind the suit

Date:9 MAR 2016
Nowadays most people are familiar with using social media in their personal lives and we are all warned about making sure our privacy settings protect our private lives from unwanted eyes.

'Social media' means using websites or apps such as Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn and Pinterest. The continuing popularity of such websites and apps has been attracting the attention of businesses. Facebook has recently made changes to monetise its platform and businesses have been warned not to underestimate its potential.

Facebook recently announced that it has 1.59 billion active monthly users from 31 December 2015. Twitter has 320 million active monthly users and Instagram - a much newer player in the market - announced that it has an impressive 400 million active monthly users since September 2015. The increase in users of social media tells us that it's not just a young person's market anymore; digital platforms are reaching a wide audience of people worldwide. Further the figures also interestingly show that Instagram has overtaken Twitter in active users: a useful insight for the social media savvy.

Social media may not be an obvious marketing platform for family lawyers; the personal nature of our business...

Read the full article here.