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Re A (A CHILD) (supervised contact) (s91(14) Children Act 1989 orders) [2021] EWCA Civ 174

Date:12 JAN 2022

Maria Scotland appeared for the appellant in the recently reported case of Re A (A CHILD) (supervised contact) (s91(14) Children Act 1989 orders) [2021] EWCA Civ 174. In this article  Maria discusses the guidance that this case offers in relation to supervised contact and updating the Re P guidance on the making of a s.91(14) order.

On the 12/10/21 King LJ Newey LJ and Arnold LJ considered an appeal by a mother against orders made by HHJ Dawson in private law proceedings in relation to her daughter A who is rising 7 years of age providing that the child should continue to live with her father whilst her time with her mother would be limited to professionally supervised time only every fortnight for up to 6 hours together with an order that the mother was prohibited from making any further applications without the court’s permission for 2 years under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 (‘s91(14)’).

Permission was given for the mother’s appeal on two grounds that (1) the judge was wrong to order supervised contact without providing a pathway for progressing to more natural (unsupervised) contact and (2) the making of the s.91(14) order at the same time as limiting...

Read the full article here.