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Publication alert: International Family Law Journal 2018, Issue 4

Date:26 OCT 2018
Third slide
Issue 4 of International Family Law Journal 2018 is published. Articles include:

  • How the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention operates in Germany – the
    2015 statistics Nigel Lowe QC (Hon) and Victoria Stephens

  • New Slovenian family code Prof Dr Barbara Novak

  • Regulation (EU) 650/2012 – harmonisation jurisdiction rules on succession Prof PhD Jose Manuel Velasco Retamosa

  • The rights of grandparents and other family members in relation to children –
    from both a domestic and international perspective Katherine Res Pritchard and
    Kate Williams

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International Family Law Journal
International Family Law Journal
The practice title for family lawyers engaged...
Family Law
Family Law
"the principal (monthly) periodical dealing with...