The cost of LASPO Katy Rensten
Change is overdue: Owens Hazel Wright
Time for reflection: Mills Beverley Morris
The rise of private FDRs Rhys Taylor
Supreme Court and s 20: Williams v Hackney Elizabeth Walsh
The View from the Bar Rob George
Because it is the right thing to do Sir James Munby
The role of the justice system in decision-making for children Sir Ernest Ryder
The forbidden territories Andrew Bainham
Recent cases relating to female genital mutilation Ruth Gaffney-Rhys
The law of financial remedies on divorce: a round-table discussion at the House of Lords Jo Edwards
Financial provision on divorce: are you certain, Minister? Peter G Harris
Rethinking adoption and birth family contact: is there a role for the law? Elsbeth Neil
Local authority update: Autumn 2018: special guardianship orders Emma Kendall
Anything but child’s play: surrogacy and thorny issues of identity, parenthood and status in modern families Louisa Ghevaert and Richard Jones
Conversation pieces: reflections in family mediation: Part 2: ‘In the beginning is the conversation . . .’ Neil Robinson
How may the law be reformed to improve the uptake and experience of mediation? Jo Edwards, Amanda Sandys and Jamie Gaw
Expert evidence in children’s proceedings: a new Transparency Project guidance note Sarah Phillimore
Outcomes of care proceedings for children before and after care proceedings reform Judith Masson
Nagalro Guidance Elizabeth Walsh
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill Nasreen Pearce
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