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Psychological issues identified in parents – is there enough understanding by professionals involved in care cases?

Date:3 DEC 2013

Kirsty Richards

Since I wrote my last opinion piece in April 2013 I continue to practice in children law proceedings (both private and public) and read the article by Kitty Knowles in the Metro yesterday (2 December 2013) : ‘Social Services have a baby taken from mother's womb'.

While it is inappropriate to comment on that particular case without being aware of the full facts and circumstances it raises a very serious issue for practitioners involved in care work when psychiatric and/or psychological concerns are raised against one or both parents.

The article in the Metro reports that this particular mother had been taken to a psychiatric ward after failing to take her medication and suffering a panic attack. The local authority then had concerns for the welfare of her unborn child.  After a period of 5 weeks it is stated they forcibly sedated her and performed a caesarean section placing the child with foster carers and refusing to return the baby to its mother due to their fears she may relapse. See...

Read the full article here.