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PSL Essential update – Getting married: A scoping paper

Date:17 DEC 2015

The Law Commission has published a report following a scoping project about getting married.

The report is 97 pages long and contains some pretty outstanding infographics in the shape of wedding cakes topped with swans.  Are you busy in the run up to Christmas?  Have all your children cases kicked off?  Are your clients desperate to get their consent order finalised before Christmas?  Are you desperate to get home for some mince pies and mulled wine? Good news the report isn’t absolutely essential reading right now even better news – it has a 12 page executive summary available here.

I will summarise it further very briefly below for those in a real rush and pick out a couple of things that I think family lawyers might be interested in.

A brief summary

The report of course doesn’t change the law it doesn’t even make any specific concrete recommendations instead it identifies the issues that would need to be considered before proceeding to any public consultation on options for reform.

The Law Commission undertook an in depth-analysis of the problems in the law and came to the following conclusions:

  • The law is out of date complex and...

Read the full article here.