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Pitching spousal maintenance – a practical perspective

Date:7 OCT 2024
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Abigail Bennett, JMW Solicitors

Within this article, Abigail Bennett, in-house Counsel at JMW Solicitors, takes a practical view on how spousal maintenance should be pitched.

Abigail considers what trends, if any, have emerged in the past ten years in relation to spousal maintenance decisions and walks through a handful of recent cases, each containing themes that practitioners encounter daily.

Abigail draws out the key elements of a spousal maintenance claim from housing needs to earning capacity and discusses how these should be presented to the court, the differences in approach for payee and payer, and the practical steps that can be taken to ensure that a client’s case is as watertight as possible.

Abigail also considers applications to vary spousal maintenance, specifically taking into account the court’s powers to deal with such applications and the possible outcomes.

Read the full article here.